Non-Government Organization

Registration of Non-Government Organization

An NGO is a non-government organization with a charitable objective, for the betterment of the society in general. It can be started as a Trust, a Society or a Non-Profit Company [Section 8 Company], depending on the activity you wish to undertake. Other names for such not-for-profit organizations are "Sangathan", "Sangh", "Sangam". Income tax exemption is available for all non-profit NGOs. These are sometimes confused with non-profitable companies, which refers to a regular business is not making a profit. NGO may be defined as association having a definite cultural, educational, economical, religious or social association organization. They are not owned by any one and cannot distribute profits as such. Whatever profits they may earn from economic activities are reinvested or spent on appropriate non-profit activities. The typical sources of revenue or non-governmental organizations are donations, membership fees, interest and dividends on investments. An NGO is a non-profit citizen group which is organized on a local, national or on an international level to serve as a social welfare for the people in need. The unique features of NGO include:-

  • The voluntary association of person having interest in it.
  • It is generally free from government interference as it has its own rules & regulations being followed by its members.
  • they work parallel to the Government

Task-oriented and driven by people with a common interest, NGOs do a variety of service and humanitarian functions, bring resident issues to Governments, advocate and display policies and encourage political participation through arrangement of info. Some are arranged around particular concerns such as human rights, environment or wellness. NGO registration is indeed a blessing for the society. They offer analysis and experience, function as early caution mechanisms and assist keep track of and implement international agreements. Their relationship with workplaces and agencies of the United Nations system varies depending on their goals, their venue and the mandate of a specific institution.

NGO’s are set up to fill the gaps between the Government & the society. It plays a critical part in developing society by providing help in humanitarian, educational, health care, public policy, social, human rights, environmental and other areas in need as India has a huge problem regarding the above issues. Since their function is in the non-profit scheme due to which they face problems like lack of qualities in terms of skills and opportunities regarding the employment.